There is something very stressful about writing and signing a contract. You are defining all the attributes within which you agree to operate, at once, and for months or years to come. Sure, you can add clauses to cover exceptions, but the reason most of us experience some level of stress when it comes time to sign on the dotted line is because we are giving up some flexibility, and that’s uncomfortable.
Flexibility is a word that is being used a lot these day—to describe our lives, our approach to work/life balance, and our aspirations when it comes to the (other) things we invest in. For example, it’s hard to peruse news sites and social media feeds without seeing a number of articles or posts referring to it, in life and in business. That’s because people value flexibility, and the power it gives them to make decisions based on their personal preferences.
But flexibility can also be seen as disruptive, as it clashes with some “traditional” patterns and behaviors we —as a society— have followed for years or decades. How many times have you introduced an innovative idea, only to hear “that’s not how we’ve done things in the past” as a rebuttal?
WestCMR believes that flexibility to buy the products you need, when you need them, and in the unit of measure that is best for your facility and/or your team, is the way to do business. Sure, you may receive better pricing elsewhere, only if you buy a certain quantity, and only if you commit to signing a year-long contract. But what will happen if your case load changes? Or the surgeon who requested this particular item or product line leaves? What if technology changes?
The only thing you can expect, is the unexpected. WestCMR vows to be a partner who understands that you need flexibility in operating your business, and commits to assisting you with your needs —whatever they may be— at any time, and without ever requiring minimum quantities or contracts.
Ready to introduce some flexibility into your supply chain? Give us a call at 800-565-6385. We look forward to earning your business for years to come.