“We all leave a footprint, and it matters.” That is one of Randy Ware’s motto. But when Ware founded West Coast Medical Resources (also known as WestCMR) in 1997, he could not have imagined how big of a footprint he would eventually leave.
WestCMR has always been dedicated to supporting its team and its customers. In the last 9 years, the company has also been able to impact another important stakeholder: its community. WestCMR recently surpassed $2 million donated to charitable causes, and continues to commit about 2% of its revenue every year.
Ware recognizes that while money goes a long way, it is important to raise awareness, too. Through an internal survey facilitated by the employee-led Philanthropy Committee, the founder and CEO noticed that the charities WestCMR donates to were not all well-known by team members.
“One of our goals is to ensure that all the incredible causes we support receive the recognition they all equally deserve,” shares Stephanie Lugo, member of WestCMR’s Philanthropy Committee. “Last month, we invited some of these amazing local charities to come to our office to share information about their organization with our team,” Lugo adds. Four non-profit organizations WestCMR donates to had the opportunity to set up a display for team members to visit during the month of May. Team members stopped during breaks to learn more about the charity’s mission and goals.
“Moments likes these are not only important to our CEO, but to the entire team here at WestCMR.” shares Lugo. “A better understanding of each organization gives us the ability to share more information with our friends and families to spread awareness,” she adds.
WestCMR is proud to have promoted SAGES Theater Inc., Clearwater Free Clinic, The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, and Ruth Eckerd Hall, and plan to make this an annual event to continue to turn our expanding team into ambassadors for these great organizations.