As part of our support of the Morton Plant Mease Healthcare Foundation, WestCMR was excited to sponsor Pitch for Pink, an annual event that raises awareness and funds for breast cancer awareness and research.
Pitch for Pink was held at the BayCare Ballpark on Friday, June 3rd, for a game between the Clearwater Threshers and the Dunedin Blue Jays. The home team wore pink jerseys, and our employees in attendance received pink visors as a thank you gift.

We watched the game from the balcony of Suite 207, where food and drinks were available. This family-friendly event brought together employees of different departments, and all were encouraged to bring their significant other, kids, and/or friends. The lucky attendees even received a visit from Phinley, the Clearwater Threshers mascot. Phinley was kind enough to give high fives, and take many pictures.
It was a wonderful night for a wonderful cause, and we look forward to supporting this event again in the future.