Last year, we started a new tradition. A few days before Thanksgiving, we asked all employees to answer a simple question: what are you thankful for this year? The instructions said to share only one thing, and we made this very cool word cloud out of the responses we received.
This year, we attempted to do the same thing, but something happened. A majority of our team couldn’t pick only one thing. So instead of correcting everyone, we saw it as a sign — how blessed are we that we ALL have so much to be thankful for?
Answers included family, health, a roof over our heads and a job we love; our cats and dogs; our work environment and family, and the power we have to help our customers and community; healthcare and the advancement in medicine; new relationships, new friendships, and our friends/support systems; the beautiful Florida fall weather, healthy babies and kiddos, and the opportunity to gather safely this year, around a heaping serving platter of mashed potatoes and gravy.
“It’s not happy people who are thankful; it’s thankful people who are happy.” We couldn’t agree more. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday, full of many blessings to be thankful for.