By Randy Ware, President/CEO, West Coast Medical Resources, LLC, (WestCMR)
WestCMR’s August Career Fair a Signature Event in Clearwater
WestCMR packed the house on Thursday, August 27, with nearly 50 candidates attending its first career fair. The team welcomed and interviewed candidates and showcased why WestCMR is recognized by Becker’s Hospital Review as one of the 150 Best Places to Work in healthcare (for the second year in a row)!
WestCMR was able to identify several qualified candidates looking to catapult their career by joining our stellar, fast growing team.
We are now planning future career fair events. Please follow us on Facebook and Linkedin to keep up with our upcoming career fair plans In the meantime we are sharing several tips to assist you in achieving success at your next career fair.
Before the Career Fair
It might be cliché but it is important to remember that you must dress professionally. Nice professional shoes, a suit and tie for gentlemen, and a suit for ladies will go a long way to leaving a lasting impression. Make sure to review your resume and print several copies for distribution. Pack a briefcase with a notepad, your resumes, pens, and decide on a system to organize the abundance of information you will receive at event.
Standing in Line at a Career Fair
Your etiquette while standing in line can spell job success or disaster. Your potential employer will be watching your moves and listening to your conversation so keep it friendly and professional. Strike up a conversation with others in line around you, and work toward mutually agreeing to share job leads, or meet for coffee to discuss strategy. Your down time is incredibly useful if you use it correctly, so always be thinking of what you can do to impress a recruiter, whether it be networking in line, or reviewing your notes.
Making an Impact at a Career Fair
Be prepared to discuss what you want in a career, and how your skills match the position you desire. Remember to fit your answers to what you believe that employers’ specific needs are at that time. Discuss your interests and ask what steps you should take next. Try to discover as much information about the company’s current needs, and their company culture to determine if the company is a match for your skill set and ambitions.
Remember an Attitude of Gratitude
Express gratitude for the time that the employer spends speaking to you, any questions they answered for you, and any information they provided you. Gratitude goes a long way in burning your memory into their minds. Maintain an organization system as you collect company information for your follow up thank you email.
Good luck in your search and remember, follow WestCMR on social media for our next career event!