100 top rural and community hospitals
Here is a list of the 2017 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospitals in the U.S., according to The National Rural Health Association’s Rural Health Policy Institute, iVantage Health Analytics and The Chartis Center for Rural Health.
This month Becker’s Hospital Review published the 100 Top Rural and Community Hospitals list compiled by The National Rural Health Association’s Rural Health Policy Institute, iVantage Health Analytics and The Chartis Center for Rural Health. Congratulations to all these facilities and their dedication to excellence that helped them secure a spot on this list.
These hospitals are top performers when it comes to managing risk, achieving higher quality, securing better outcomes, increasing patient satisfaction, and maintaining lower operating costs compared to their peers.
WestCMR works with several facilities on this list, and we’re happy to know that we play a small role with these facilities. Buying supplies from WestCMR means they can buy surgical supplies in the amount needed (eaches, for example). This saves money and prevents waste. This access to needed supplies at the right price also means better patient outcomes.
If you purchase for a rural or community hospital, learn more about how WestCMR can help you!