On June 7th, from 2-6 PM, WestCMR hosted its annual Cut and Color Funds the Cure event in collaboration with the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (NPCF). This event, like in past years, aims to raise funds for this nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and funding research for less toxic, more effective treatments for childhood cancer.
WestCMR added its unique twist to the event by donating $100 for each person who received a military-style haircut! Our CEO, Randy Ware, believes it’s important for us to choose to shave our heads in support of those who do not have this choice. We surpassed last year’s numbers with 41 guests leaving with shaved heads! Additionally, we were honored to have a pediatric cancer survivor’s family, the DiTinnos, attend and share their touching story with everyone. This incredibly strong family, particularly the survivor Vincent, was beyond thankful for NPCF and its contributions. Both the survivor and his supportive brother joined in the fun by coloring their hair and shaving some of our team members’ heads!

The event was filled with laughter and memorable moments as we gathered on our back patio to support a great cause. WestCMR provided drinks and food, and participants who shaved their heads were entered into a raffle to win a Samsung 55” TV or an iPad Mini! Employees who shaved their heads or brought someone else in their place were entered into a separate raffle for a Tumi bag or an Apple Watch. These fun incentives added excitement and healthy competition among the team! Mickey Hung and Christina Gross were our winners for the internal raffle, while Greg Turman won the TV and Daniel Serrao won the iPad in the non-employee raffle.
After the event was all said and done, $6,000 was donated to NPCF, leaving everyone feeling like they had made a significant difference. We are immensely grateful to our stylists: Brittany Baumgardner from Neon Blonde Salon, Manny Sena from Vibe Salon, Jessica Cash from Sports Clips, and Daniel Carbajal and Alejandro Vasquez from Next Gen Studios. These stylists and the attendees made Friday exceptionally special for all of us at WestCMR.
This event is a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude and kindness in our lives. By coming together to raise money, we are showing our support for this cause while demonstrating the strength of our community. Until next year’s fun, which will be held at our newest WestCMR expansion, The Venue 😉