The team at WestCMR dedicates time, funds, and service to various social responsibility initiatives, but few hit so close to home as our support for various cancer-related non-profits during October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Our own Jolene Coyle is a survivor, and there’s no doubt that breast cancer has touched the lives of our friends and family. Here are a few of the ways we’ve rallied around survivors and helped raise awareness this month.
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Several members of the WestCMR team participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure at Albert Whitted Park in St. Petersburg on the evening of October 1st. The team was decked out in pink attire and glow sticks as they ran the 3.1-mile beautiful, waterfront course. Participating individuals include Carly Guerra, Danielle Drayer, Melissa Anderson, Melissa Armstrong, Preston Martin, Sheila Wasser, and Susan Hales.
Susan, an avid runner, was the first female finisher in her age group and won a medal for her efforts!
The overall event has raised over $96,000, and we are proud of our employees who participated.
Awareness Ribbons – Did You Know You Can Wear Them and Eat Them, Too?
WestCMR team members have worn pink ribbons this month to honor and support the fight against breast cancer. We also indulged in ribbon-shaped bagels for breakfast one day. Every bite was a reminder of the bite we want to take out of cancer.
It’s Not Too Late to Lend Your Support
October is coming to a close, but it’s not too late to give your support or donation to a breast cancer initiative in your community.