You’ve got one of the most interesting, frustrating, challenging, and financially rewarding jobs in healthcare. Your profession places demands on your time, your knowledge, and your patience in unique ways that are often times beyond comprehension. Only you know the stresses of meeting quotas and the constant threat of the competition working to snag your customers away from you. And you have a personal life, too!
Speaking of quotas, when you are on the verge of adding to your market share, how do you handle competitive product conversions? You know the ones – where “Brand B” no longer has the business anymore, but their rep has already loaded the storeroom with inventory, and you are expected to find a solution. Those pesky deals that take forever to close because “THAT” inventory is still there, and nobody seems motivated to solve the problem.
What is your company’s policy when you run in to these scenarios? Be honest –does a policy even exist? If so, does it align with your goals? Does it benefit the hospital or surgery centers you serve? Is the policy sustainable and environmentally friendly? Is it fiscally attractive to your customer?
If there were a way to deal with competitive pressures more efficiently and convert business faster, and it helped to achieve your goals, would you be interested? I bet you would. Visit WestCMR.com for all of these answers. WestCMR can help you blow your 2016 goals out of the water.