In the spirit of giving thanks and fostering a sense of community, Belleair Recreation Center’s Adopt-a-Family program has been making a significant impact on local families during the Thanksgiving holiday. The program actively seeks support to provide full Thanksgiving meals and household items for 40 families from two nearby elementary schools. This year, Belleair Rec received an extraordinary boost from WestCMR, and we are honored to have helped so many families!
Financial donations are crucial for programs like Adopt-a-Family. WestCMR’s CEO, Randy Ware, felt a deeper calling to make a more personal and tangible impact. Instead of merely providing funds, he wanted WestCMR to be directly involved in helping the families, and more importantly, the children. Rather than stopping at a monetary contribution, WestCMR’s philanthropy committee took a hands-on approach to make a lasting difference. The company purchased an impressive amount of food and home supplies directly from the Adopt-a-Family list. To enhance the experience for the families, WestCMR went the extra mile by providing reusable bags for the meals, proudly displaying the WestCMR logo.
Once the food and supplies arrived, WestCMR took charge of the delivery process, transporting the packages to Belleair Rec. The expressions on the faces of the Rec staff when they saw all of the supplies we were donating were priceless. When it comes to giving back to the community and those in need, WestCMR takes pride in helping in any way that we can!
By choosing to actively participate, the company not only provided nourishment and household essentials, but also left an indelible mark on the hearts of those involved. As Thanksgiving approaches, WestCMR’s contribution serves as a shining example of how businesses can go beyond monetary donations to create a meaningful impact on the lives of families in need. To all that celebrate, we hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving and continue to be thankful for life’s daily moments.