On Friday, June 2nd, 2023, West Coast Medical Resources hosted its first Cut Funds The Cure event since the pandemic. Cut Funds The Cure is a fundraiser for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, a Tampa Bay charitable organization and one of the many WestCMR donates to every year. The event seeks to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research.
Traditionally, groups or companies collect donations for the NPCF at such events; WestCMR does things differently — the company, which dedicates nearly 2% of their revenue for charitable donations every year, asked for volunteers to commit to getting their hair buzzed by professional barbers. In exchange, $100 was pledged for the cause per head. “I like to believe that having a choice about what happens to our hair, means that we have an obligation to show support to the kids who don’t have that choice,” shares WestCMR CEO Randy Ware.

Ware introduced pediatric cancer survivor Lea Sellwood to his team and the community members who participated in the event. Before doing the honors of buzzing off the first swipe of hair of the day, Lea said a few words to the gathered audience about her experience, and about how much NPCF does to help the kids they serve.

That afternoon, and thanks to the expert hands of the team from Barley & Mane Barber Spa in Dunedin, 33 heads were buzzed. Add in the $100 donations from team members who couldn’t resist the opportunity to shave their CEO’s head, WestCMR donated a total of $5,000 to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation.
“I feel immensely grateful for the amazing participation we received,” Ware concludes. “The team at WestCMR is committed to continue to host this event year after year, and to grow these numbers.”