If the last 18 months have shown us anything, it’s that the health care supply chain — like many others — works better when strong partnerships exist. This week, as we celebrate National Health Care Supply Chain Week, we’d like to highlight both the heroes who make up these teams, and the way we are able to assist them daily in their work.
Health care facilities have intricate supply chain functions, in that the work of these teams has a direct effect on every department within a hospital or surgery center. Unfortunately, the supply chain itself is subject to a number of external and internal factors that influence its function, productivity and results. In the wake of COVID19, we have seen incredible collaboration and maximizing scarce resources through a formation of strategic alliances – the true embodiment of advancing health care through supply chain excellence. It’s a simple fact that the healthcare industry works better when all stakeholders collaborate to produce better outcomes. Supply chains have suffered tremendously; one way to help them recover is by focusing on diversifying supplier partnerships.
At WestCMR, we assist hospitals and surgery centers by being partners in their procurement efforts. We are able to provide high-quality surgical disposables at a lower cost than the OEMs. We are also able to help when items are backordered, delayed, or simply discontinued. By having an option on who to turn to for supplies, facilities and their supply chains are strengthened, and teams are empowered in their daily work. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate all the supply chain heroes this week!